Since 1991 • Clients in 100+ Countries • Top Project Funding Experts

Global Star Capital
Your Gateway to Private Funding
Private Project Funding
Worldwide For All Sectors
Since 1991 • Clients in 100+ Countries • Top Project Funding Experts
Your Gateway to Private Funding
Private Project Funding
Worldwide For All Sectors
Global Star Capital is a subsidiary of Global Star Talent Inc., an "S" Corporation with corporate filings in the state of Florida (U.S.A.).
Founded in 1991 under a sole proprietorship, the parent company name Global Star Talent Inc. (not a talent agency) was derived and incorporated in 2003 with certificates of good standing held for 20+
Global Star Capital is a subsidiary of Global Star Talent Inc., an "S" Corporation with corporate filings in the state of Florida (U.S.A.).
Founded in 1991 under a sole proprietorship, the parent company name Global Star Talent Inc. (not a talent agency) was derived and incorporated in 2003 with certificates of good standing held for 20+ years.
Global Star Talent Inc. owns and operates Global Star Capital, which is a high end professional private funding intermediary/consulting service.
Global Star Capital has been highly instrumental in assisting clients with their quest for obtaining project funding. In over 120 countries and the entire United States, project principals clients from Governments, Partnerships, Individuals and Corporations have sought the services of our company and founder, Rich Cocovich, who is a graduate of Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. Since the beginning of his career Rich has worked with many household named individuals, fortune 500 companies and world governments, assisted in developing numerous companies as a consultant, and has raised money for several household named charities. His transparent and crystal clear approach has earned a stellar reputation for both his personal consulting skills and the companies under his watch. Rich is a renown world traveler who meets with every Global Star Capital client in person and has since the inception of our firm. Rich and his staff welcome all ethical, serious plus prepared individuals who can follow a strict and successful protocol to begin their relationship with Global Star Capital by following the OUR PROCESS, PROTOCOL AND ENGAGEMENT FEE STRUCTURE section of this website.
Mr. Cocovich has bridged the gap between projects, their principals and private funding source facilitators for over three decades. Our services are in extremely high demand worldwide. Our clients deal directly with Mr. Cocovich after full screening and following our protocol. All clients must meet with Mr. Cocovich and private investors face to face as part of our professional engagement. In addition, Mr. Cocovich is the administrator of his family's own investment trust.
In the private funding arena, Global Star Capital and Rich Cocovich are unmatched. The investment capital available is extremely private and cannot be engaged without our intermediary and consulting services. Over $30 Billion USD awaits the project Global Star Capital Represents.
Private sources/facilitators of funding through turn to Global Star Capital for solvent projects that match their investment interests and instruments. These entities rely on Mr. Cocovich for presentation of solvent, superior quality projects. Please read our entire web site and follow the OUR PROCESS, PROTOCOL and ENGAGEMENT FEE STRUCTURE section fully to gain the proper attention that has eluded your project to this point.
Dun and Bradstreet Rated DUNS: 147151315 from our parent company down to subsidiaries.
Global Star Capital's process for working with clients and projects has been formulated to achieve maximum results. Please review the entire website and follow our steps below. Please be advised that you are the entity searching for capital or equity, you cannot change our protocol requirements. The avenues or philosophies surrounding yo
Global Star Capital's process for working with clients and projects has been formulated to achieve maximum results. Please review the entire website and follow our steps below. Please be advised that you are the entity searching for capital or equity, you cannot change our protocol requirements. The avenues or philosophies surrounding your project to this point have not achieved the full goal, therefore our extremely professional and proven approach is the solution in assisting your needs.
Commercial or Intellectual Property Projects in ALL Sectors.
Please read all of the instructions below before proceeding.
1. Please read this entire website fully.
2. Please do not ask us what rates, terms, fees and conditions are or will be on your project. We will not know what any rates, terms, fees and conditions are until after we review your project (for free), speak with you via a conference call (for free) and then are able to find a willing facilitator of capital funding (under our engagement and services). Fully engaging our services includes the required face to face meeting with our founding executive and is only offered under contract. Please follow our protocol perfectly.
The project principals who follow our protocol succeed, those who
do not fail to establish the critical relationships needed with facilitators of funding.
3. After reading this entire website, please fully complete the Project Application in the "PROJECT APPLICATION" section. Immediately after you complete the project application, please e-mail your full business plan or executive summary and all pertinent information directly to our New Client intake administrator Samantha Stewart on and/or
If you do not have a business plan, please state so in your email. If you have spoken to our founder Rich Cocovich prior to this step, please follow his previous instructions give upon your conversation.
Our Mandatory Professional Fee Structure includes meeting and full engagement with our founder and is listed at the bottom of this column.
4. After review and acceptance of your Project Application, your business plan, pro-forma or financial projections etc., additional instructions will be sent by our administrator via email. Instructions may vary, from requesting additional or new project documentation to informing you of direct contact with our founder Rich Cocovich and his contact schedule times.
5. If Mr. Cocovich is satisfied that the project merits moving forward, he will utilize his expertise to assess the potential of your project and then offer a conference call with you. If he is satisfied with the call and your project knowledge, he will offer his full expertise and services, which will include the mandatory face to face meeting step under our professional fee guidelines. Your project needs the best representation to be accepted by willing and able high net worth investors and their facilitators. Global Star Capital brings the expertise needed with over three decades servicing clients, which is unmatched. We are in high demand for a reason and high net worth private investors expect our level of professionalism and expertise.
6. At the mandatory face to face meeting, we will immediately begin creating and administering a full game plan for your project funding, which includes deal structure discussions and preparation on all funding parameters. This process has been perfected based on the many years of Global Star Capital experience since 1991. We know exactly what the aforementioned entities need and want. They rely on us to present solvent and perfectly planned projects. We deal with these entities daily and covet our relationships with them. We will not break the protocol. Our clients understand high end
professionalism and fee structures.
7. You will go through due diligence phase with the facilitating source's underwriting/program management team and then closing.
Global Star Capital's Professional Engagement Fee Structure is listed on our website below. Please be sure to choose the proper location of the Project Application.
Please do not complete the below application without following the OUR PROCESS, PROTOCOL & ENGAGEMENT FEE section of the Global Star Capital web site fully. We will not recognize or entertain your project otherwise as our protocol is non-negotiable and
etched in stone.
In addition, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the mandatory face to face meeting step that our founder Mr. Cocovich and a facilitator/investor will perform. The face to face meeting is required if Mr. Cocovich accepts your project fully. There are no exceptions and there will be no negotiations. Mr. Cocovich is vital to your process in game planning and presenting any project and has been for 30+ years.
The project application form is to be completed in full and is for commercial funding projects or intellectual property projects only - ALL sectors. We will not service individual loans or individual home site real estate.
By completing the project application in full, you will expedite your project review immediately. This is part of our mandatory protocol which is listed in the OUR PROCESS, PROTOCOL & ENGAGEMENT FEE section of the web site. Our protocol is etched in stone and is non-negotiable. It is expected that you will follow our protocol or
we will not assist you.
With clients in over 120 countries since 1991 plus an exorbitant amount of funds from private high net worth people and/or trusts available, we are the instrumental gateway to completing your goals. You cannot reach these private entities on your own.
We cannot schedule any future communication to move your project forward if you have not read the website in full.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you are a "broker" who has not become fully screened by Global Star Capital, please make sure that you immediately complete the Broker Application which can be found below on this website. You will be required to follow the protocol listed in that section. Please do not submit a project until you have
been fully screened.
If Mr. Cocovich decides to offer me his services, which includes a mandatory face to face meeting with an investor facilitator included, what are the mandatory engagement fee requirements and when are they due?
Mr. Cocovich requires compensation for his time and work based on a standard intermediary/consulting fee structure. The intermediary/consulting engagement fee is due after receiving our legal agreement and before his travel plus accommodations are arranged. You will receive our legal agreement immediately after your conference call with Mr. Cocovich if he offers services.
Do not let the engagement and intermediary/consulting fee deter you. This meeting will be the cornerstone to achieving your goal and every client since 1991 has followed through with this protocol--it is not up for negotiation. This is NOT an upfront fee as your project will be analyzed, you will speak with executives inside Global Star Capital and preparation time will be administered on your project well before the face to face meeting.
The following applies if Mr. Cocovich offers full services, which includes the required face to face protocol meeting step and his travels to view your project. The full intermediary/consulting engagement fee is due before his and private funding facilitator source travel is arranged and includes all travel expenses plus accommodations. Possible alternate meeting locations may be offered or required. All prices in the engagement fee table below are listed in US Dollars.
The Global Star family of companies has been in business since 1991. Please view the COMPANY HISTORY section of the web site for explanation.
Yes, we are covered by our parent company rating for Dun and Bradstreet DUNS: 147151315.
Global Star Capital bridges the gap between solvent entities looking for project funding and/or equity partners and debt lending entities in the commercial or intellectual property arena. We are hired intermediary consultants and perform accordingly. We work with projects and individuals worldwide. The services for our clients in attracting a funding source avenue through their facilitators have been perfected over the course of many years. An entity who can physically fund a project with their own capital or a "pooling" of capital within their organization relies on facilitators, and those entities rely on us to bring solvent projects to their system. These sources include private individuals, private trusts, equity groups etc.
Global Star Capital consults the client (i.e. you) first, then deals directly with private appointed individuals or companies that facilitate for sources--people who are also in place for a reason. We bring the facilitator of capital with us to our meeting. This means that we are not "brokers". We are high end intermediary consultant professionals and paid accordingly. We are engaged by principals to bring solvent projects to the lending sources through their appointed facilitator in order for profits to be made by investing. We have a unique situation that allows us to construct a game plan for our clients based on the parameters directed to us by the appointed facilitators of funding sources. There is no entity that is representing you (or trying to represent you) that is in our position.
It is CRITICAL that you understand hard work is the main factor in obtaining the proper attention for the funding of your project. Mr. Cocovich becomes part of your entire team and represents you to the decision making facilitators who will green light a project. You will obviously go through the funding source's due diligence and then closing.
After you are given green lights by the private sources through their facilitators, which is only after our full engagement and professional fees are paid, they will administered deal structures and comparisons under reference type proceedings. By following our protocol perfectly and fully, references are given by the private sources and their head underwriters. All Global Star Capital clients have signed NDA's with their sources and/or their facilitators which prohibit them from speaking with any entity at any stage unless the source gives consent. Consent will only happen if you are placed into the hands of the source. This is private funding and the operative word is "private". Private people do not want to be bothered by just anyone searching for capital. They have an army of professionals that sit in front of their family members, assets and investment capital. Systems and protocols in place to make sure that the projects they fund are worthy enough for their money and investment--he or she who has cash is the king or queen. Global Star Capital is proud to be an important part of this process and has been for decades.
Yes. However, we have found that 99% of the time when there are multiple partners that make "equal" decisions, a deal will never close due to the egos and internal fighting of the principals. We always encourage that a sole principal be named for leading a group. If you follow our lead, we will be sure to make this all smooth for you. Please read the above over and over because if you have more than one decision maker, this is vital.
You must be fully screened and approved to submit projects into Global Star Capital. You must complete the Broker Application to align with us which is located in the section below BROKER APPLICATION. Please do not submit a project without being fully screened. Please do not waste time testing our system because you will fail.
Furthermore, also realize that our founder, Mr. Cocovich, has been highly successful as an entrepreneur, consultant and C.E.O. since 1991. He will not waste time with pushy or novice people who have their own philosophies (which are obviously not working) as they continue to search for capital. In addition, it baffles us when we see individuals posing as "brokers" who are not actually licensed to use that title. Your clients and all solvent principals deserve the proper representation. Therefore, we have taken the time to create a screening process for protection of all parties. If you are serious and want to succeed, you will follow through on the mandatory requirements and the process in the Intermediary/Broker section.
***A special note to project principals---We created the screening process to expose the unethical, novice or fly by night individuals that feast on unsuspecting principals. In addition, this screening process allows us to qualify the individual representing the principal previous to the project. We demand to know if the representing individual is actually ethical. We have seen it all--anywhere from stay at home moms who say they are "money brokers" and can acquire "letters of intent in two days" to workers at your favorite coffee house who pose as intermediaries or money brokers on their breaks. We have also seen these types of entities try and steal our consulting philosophies. All of these entities fail because they cannot deliver for their clients. They also do not have two decades plus worth of experience and a crystal clear track record such as Mr. Cocovich. When novices are feeding their babies or serving coffee while speaking with you, Mr. Cocovich is meeting with clients who have the desire, vision and ability to engage him in order to achieve their goals.***
Absolutely not. We are completely transparent and you will make decisions in your process that are based on perfectly explained steps and goals. We have different avenues to fit your project requirements. If we cannot provide an avenue toward the funding of your project after reviewing your documents thoroughly, we will inform you. In all private funding there are required, mandatory steps. In our protocol, the steps are the vital link to achieving your goals. Remember, our founder is the top expert in our industry. He is not a broker.
First, high end professionals such as Mr. Cocovich perform services that obtain results. If you believe funding will occur without a high end service and a thorough game plan plus want everything in life for free, you should quit searching for capital immediately.
Second, never believe what you have read on internet and social media/ chat sites in terms of the private funding world, especially from people who simply have an objective to negatively critique, defame, slander or create libelous statements due to their own lack of financial stability or jealousy.
Third, anyone who critiques our protocol without being a client, which means making it through our entire process, is living in the minor leagues of our industry. There are only a few people privy to the protocol that have not been clients of ours. We are in high demand because solvent people who understand that true professionals are paid accordingly hire us on to obtain results.
Finally, in any loan or process, there are fees involved. In any contract there are fees involved. Our job at Global Star Capital is to minimize those fees for our clients and provide them with a reputable avenue to fund their project--one who gives green lights through our hard work. We are professionals in the same category as corporate attorneys or certified public accountants. Our clients understand the value of the services we provide. Never let the chance of your project being funded become ruined by our nominal consulting fee. If you cannot afford our fee then you should not be looking for funding. In today's markets, a make or break on funding a project should not be because of unwillingness to pay standard--and in our case nominal--fees that all lenders and professionals require.
If you are paying anyone to give you advice that "Death and Taxes" are the only guarantees in life, you are wasting money. For the most part, we have never met an advisor or attorney who could actually fund a deal themselves. That should sum up our views of the topic.
It is required by the decision making facilitators who control private funding to have all of the proper documentation in order. We want to be able to present your project in the right way to the companies or individuals who facilitate for the sources. The sources require all of the documentation we ask for in their stages. Our philosophy is to gather the documentation in the early stages in order to show that you are serious. By doing a thorough job, we lessen the time frame it will take going toward funding and show our full value to our clients. Those who are lazy on their documentation fail. Those who are cheap and want everything in life for free or "wrapped into funding" fail. Those who follow our protocol succeed in having their project entertained by the avenues responsible for investment capital. However, if you do not have a business plan, yet have thorough expertise in the project you want/need funding for, we will work with you in helping you create the documents.
We literally think that you are wasting your time. We have never met a "broker" or intermediary who has come from the large social networking sites that knew the project funding sector correctly or could service a client to the final goal. Our screened and approved "brokers" will save you from the unethical entities on these sites. In fact, we created our screening program because of all the novice people that fester on the social media web sites and give terrible advice to unsuspecting people with great projects. Our company owner has for decades been the top intermediary consultant in the world for private project funding and has worked in every sector. Therefore, over the years we have seen and heard it all.
No. We handle commercial and intellectual property projects only in all sectors.
No. Globalstar (all one word) Capital Corp. is part of the telecommunications giant Globalstar and located in Milpitas, CA USA. We have no affiliation with Globalstar Telecommunications or their subsidiaries.
You can try this link directly for our application also.
Global Star Capital Project Application
We hope the above has helped you. The Protocol is etched in stone.
Please reach us at
if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The parent company of Global Star Capital, Global Star Talent Inc. was incorporated in it's existing format within the State of Florida (certificates on file)--see Company History.
Our founder constantly travels and meets with clients world wide, analyzing and building game plans for their projects on location. He bases out of Hilton Head Island SC USA, Rome Italy and the Orlando Florida Metro area. We also have several designated meeting locations around the globe which can be found listed in the FAQ's section.
We contact project principals via e-mail to further the process once a project is submitted properly. This is our way to assure our clients necessary time and dedication to servicing them. We cannot become inundated with lesser grade projects which would only take time away from servicing solvent clients.
Due to the high demand for our services and the multitude of novice/unethical people looking for money (which includes many "brokers"), only serious and solvent people plus projects grab our attention. We pride ourselves on the excellent professional services provided to our clients worldwide. We have been in business for decades to assist people and groups who are worthy of being funded. Calls to our office 843-715-2879 are by appointment only and we will not retrieve any messages on this line. It is strongly recommended however, that the Our Process, Protocol and Engagement Fee section above be followed fully to initiate a productive relationship with Global Star Capital. Our main email address is and our Project Director Samantha Stewarts's email address is After completing a project application favorably and digitally signing, you will be speaking to our founder Mr. Cocovich.
If you are a Broker, please complete the Broker Application Form below.
Copyright © 2024 Global Star Talent Inc./Global Star Capital - All Rights Reserved.
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